Maryam, Me & Myself

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تاريخ تولد بلاگ‌م: ۲۸ دي ۸۲


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Sunday, December 25, 2005
شب تولد خورشید
*۲ دي ماه ۸۴

*اندوه ماه...نوشته ي آرش حجازي..من عاشق ترجمه هاش م.

*...واسه من هيچ کي تو دنيا، مريم خودم نميشه...!!!

*شب...صداي بارون...مرسي خداي مهربون (:

*Christmas Story: A place in Paradise

Many years ago, in the northeast of Brazil, there lived a couple who were very poor and whose only possession was a hen.
They managed to scrape a precarious living from the eggs laid by that one hen.

On Christmas Eve, however, the hen died. The husband, who only had a few pennies to his name, which was certainly not
enough to buy food for that evening’s meal, went to seek help from the village priest.

Instead of giving him money, the priest merely remarked:
‘God never closes a door without opening a window. Your money will buy you almost nothing, so go to the market and buy the
first thing you’re offered. I will bless that purchase and, since Christmas is the time for miracles, something will happen that will
change your life for ever.’

The man wasn’t entirely convinced that this was the best solution, but he went to the market anyway.
One of the traders saw him wandering aimlessly about and asked what he was looking for.
‘I don’t know. I don’t have much money, but the priest told me that I should buy the first thing I was offered.’

The trader was very rich, but even so he never let slip an opportunity to make a profit, however small.
He took the man’s few coins and in exchange gave him a note scribbled on a piece of paper.
‘The priest was quite right. Now I’ve always had a kind heart, and so, on this festive day, I’m selling you my place in Paradise.
Here are the deeds!’

The other man took the piece of paper and moved off, while the trader glowed with pride at having closed yet another excellent deal.
That night, while he was preparing for supper in his house full of servants, he told the story to his wife, adding that it was thanks to
such quick thinking that he had become as rich as he was.

‘That’s shameful!’ said his wife. ‘Fancy behaving like that on the day Jesus was born! Go straight to that man’s house and get the
piece of paper back, or you’ll never set foot in this house again!’

Alarmed by his wife’s anger, the trader decided to do as she said. After much asking around, he managed to find out where the
man lived. When he went in, he found the couple sitting at a table that was completely bare apart from the piece of paper.

‘I’ve come because what I did was wrong,’ the trader said. ‘Here’s your money. Now give me back what I sold you.’
‘You did nothing wrong,’ replied the man. ‘I followed the priest’s advice and I know that what I bought from you is blessed.’
‘But it’s just a piece of paper. Besides, no one can sell someone else their place in Paradise. If you like, I’ll give you double what
you paid for it.’

However, because he believed in miracles, the poor man refused to sell. The trader gradually increased his offer, until he reached
the sum of ten gold coins.
‘That’s no good to me,’ said the man. ‘In order to give my wife the life she deserves, I need one hundred gold coins.
That is the miracle I’m waiting for this Christmas Eve.’

In despair and knowing that if he lingered any longer, no one in his own house would have supper or go to midnight mass, the
trader ended up paying one hundred gold coins to get the piece of paper back. As far as the couple were concerned, the miracle
had happened. As for the trader, he had done as his wife had asked. His wife, though, was filled with doubt. Had she been too
hard on her husband?

As soon as midnight mass was over, she went to the priest and told him the story.

‘Father, my husband met a man who said that you had told him to go to the market and buy the first thing he was offered.
My husband, seeing a chance to earn some easy money, wrote him a note on a piece of paper, selling him his place in Paradise.
I told my husband that he wouldn’t eat in our house tonight if he didn’t get that piece of paper back, and he ended up having to
pay one hundred gold coins for it. Did I go too far? Could a place in Paradise really cost that much?’

‘Firstly, your husband was able to show great generosity on this, the most important day in the Christian calendar.
Secondly, he became the instrument of God through whom a miracle was performed. But to answer your question:
when he sold his place in Heaven for a few pennies, it wasn’t even worth that much; however, when he bought it back for
one hundred gold coins simply to make his wife happy, that, I can assure you, made it worth much much more.’

(Based on an Hasidic tale by David Mandel)

*قصه ي شب کريسمس ۲۰۰۵.آخرين شاهکار پائولو کوئيلو...عالي بود(:

مرسي براي لينک ها

*چرا نوشته هاي جديد اينجا برام نمياد؟ چند بار ثبت نام کنم؟

*دارم مي ميرم! برام کمپوت بيار.کمپوت گيلاس.اگه نشد، آناناس هم قبوله -خنگما..بايد برعکس بگم ولي چي کار کنم؟ گيلاس رو بيشتر دوست دارم خب!- سيب و گلابي هم هرگز.فحشه اصلاً!

*عزيزم! ببخشيد! من عصباني بودم! ببخشيد، ببخشيد، ببخشيد...قبول؟ (:

*۱ دي ماه ۸۴

*و باز هم در يک اقدام بي سابقه، من تنبل تشريف بردم انقلاب و علاوه بر فداکاري و خريد و حمل يک کتاب ۴ کيلويي براي داداش کوچيکه! براي خودم هم کتاب خريدم.۳ تا کتاب جيبي -من عاشق قطع جيبي م- يکي ش:کيمياگر - پائولو کوئيلو (چون مال خودم رو هديه دادم به يه دوست، دوباره براي خودم خريدمش که ۱٪ هم دلم نخواد طرف رو دوباره ببينم و ياد کتابم بيفتم.البته کتاب قابلي نداره ولي آدم يادش مياد خب! :پي) بعدي ش داستان هاي ۵۵ کلمه اي (متن دو زبانه) که اگه حالش باشه، گاهي چند تاش رو مي نويسم، لذتش رو ببرين! و شيطان و دوشيزه پريم-پائولو کوئيلو که اين رو هم يه ترجمه ي ديگه ش رو داشتم چون يادمه پارسال تولدم، مامان اينا داشتن مي رفتن بيرون.گفتن چيزي نميخواي؟ منم گفتم کتاب ميخوام.اسمش رو گفتم ولي اسم مترجم و انتشارات و اينا رو يادم رفت بگم.هرچند هنوز مقايسه نکردم و شايد فرق زيادي هم نداشته باشه -که فکر مي کنم داره- ولي به هر حال من فقط ترجمه ي آرش حجازي رو دوست دارم خب! اون کتابي رو هم که گفته بودي با خودم لج کردم، نخريدم!

*دنياي بومرنگ

امروز همونطور که بيرون نشسته بودم و قهوه م رو مزه مزه مي کردم و بالا اومدن خورشيد از افق رو تماشا مي کردم، به پايين نگاه کردم و يه چوب منحني رو ديدم که من رو ياد يه بومرنگ مينداخت.ناگهان ياد کودکي م افتادم که ساعتها توي حياط پشتي خونه ي پدربزرگم با يه بومرنگ چوبي که بهم هديه داده بود، بازي مي کردم.

به ياد بيار وقتي بچه بودي، يه بومرنگ چقدر مجذوبت مي کرد.(لااقل من اينطوري بودم!) اين تيکه چوب مسطح و منحني رو مي گرفتي و پرتش مي کردي و بعد با شگفتي تماشا مي کردي که چقدر توي هوا مي چرخه و به سمت تو برمي گرده.

همونطور که وقتي بچه بوديم، اين به نظرمون معجزه آسا بود، الان من فهميده م که زندگي ما هم مث همون -بومرنگ- هست.هرچيزي رو که پرتاب مي کنيم، بهمون برمي گرده.ما توي دنياي بومرنگ زندگي مي کنيم.

بذار توضيح بدم:

اگه به کسي لبخند بزني، تقريباً هميشه اون هم بهت لبخند مي زنه.
الان اينو روي کسي که نزديکته امتحان کن، ببين جواب ميده يا نه!

اگه با کسي مهربون باشي، معمولاً اون هم با تو با مهربوني برخورد مي کنه.البته برعکسش هم صادقه!

اگه پيش کسي ناله و شکايت کني و هي غر بزني، اونم غرغرهاش رو با تو شريک ميشه.(در واقع به سرعت خودت رو توي يه مسابقه ي زيرکانه مي بيني که آخر معلوم بشه کي بدبخت تره!)

اگه از کسي عصباني بشي اونم ازت عصباني ميشه و غيره..

حقيقت اينه که هرچيزي رو بخواي توي اين دنيا پرتاب کني، مي چرخه و جلوي پاي خودت روي زمين ميفته.(مث بومرنگ هايي که وقتي بچه بوديم، باهاشون بازي مي کرديم.)

اين چيزيه که من امروز صبح ياد گرفتم.مي تونم انتخاب کنم که چه چيزي رو به دنيام پرتاب مي کنم.مي تونم انتخاب کنم که ميخوام چي جلوي پام پايين بياد! اگه شادي بيشتري ميخواي...همين رو پرتاب کن (بيرون بريز.)

اگه شادي بيشتري ميخواي، شادي رو به سمت کسي بفرست و ببين که چطور به طرز معجزه آسايي به سمتت برمي گرده.

درباره ي پول هم همينطوره.پول بيشتري ميخواي؟ به ديگران هم بده.(رهبران معنوي از ابتداي زمان، اين رو به ما گفته اند ولي اغلب ما مي ترسيم اينا رو باور کنيم.)

اين در هر بخش زندگي ما صادقه.هرچيزي رو که به دنيا بديم، بهمون برمي گرده.
حالا خبرهاي خوب...(واقعاً بخش معجزه آساي ماجرا همينه.)

در واقع ما خيلي بيشتر از چيزي رو که به دنيا ميديم، بهمون برمي گرده.يه بذر بکار، خيلي بيشتر از يه بذر بهت برمي گرده.صدها برابرش بهت بر مي گرده.(حتي هزار برابرش!)

امروز (و هر چند روز آينده که ميخواي) آگاهانه تصميم بگير که ميخواي چه چيزي رو به دنيا بدهي (پرتاب کني) با اين کارت مي توني تصميم بگيري ميخواي چه بهت برگرده و جلوي پات بيفته زمين.

بومرنگ رو به ياد بيار.هر چيزي رو که پرتاب کني، به سمتت برمي گرده.

*A Boomerang World

As I was sitting outside this morning sipping my coffee and watching the sun climb over the horizon, I looked down and saw a
curved stick on the ground that reminded me of a boomerang. Suddenly I was caught up in memories of me as a kid playing for
hours on end in my grandfather's backyard with a small wooden boomerang he had given to me as a gift.

Remember when you were a kid, how fascinated you were with boomerangs? (At least I was!) You take this flat, curved piece
of wood and throw it and then watch in amazement as it curves around in the air and comes right back to you.

As "miraculous" as that seemed when we were kids, I've found that most of our life is like that.
Whatever we "throw" out there, comes back to us.We live in a "boomerang" world.

Let me explain:

If you smile at someone, in almost every case, they will smile back.
Try it now with someone nearby and see if it works.

If you're kind toward someone, they will usually be kind in return.
Of course, this also works in the other direction.

If you complain to someone, they will "share" their complaints with you.
(In fact, you may quickly find yourself in a subtle competition to see who is more miserable.)

If you get angry at someone, they will usually get angry with you ..And so on.

The fact is, whatever you decide to "throw" out into the world will usually circle around and land right back at your feet.
(Much like the boomerangs we played with as kids.)

Here's what struck me this morning .

I have a CHOICE about what I decide to "throw" out into my world. I have a CHOICE about what I WANT to land at my feet!
If you want more JOY ... Throw it out there.

If you want more HAPPINESS, throw some happiness out there to someone else and watch it "miraculously" come back to you.

It even works with money.Need money? Give some away.
(Spiritual leaders from the beginning of time, have been telling us this, but most of us are afraid to believe it.)

It works in just about every area of our life.When we "throw" it out there, it comes back to us.
But here's the good news... (And this is really the "miraculous" part.)

We actually get MORE back than what we throw out there.Plant a seed and you don't just get one seed back.
You get HUNDREDS (maybe even THOUSANDS!)

So today (and for as many days afterwards as you want), make a conscious CHOICE about what you want to "throw" out
into the world. By doing this, you will be making a choice about what is going to come back and land at your feet.

Remember the boomerang.Whatever you "throw" out there WILL come back to you.

*۳۰ آذر ۸۴

*صبح خيلي خوابم ميومد.با اينکه ديشب به هر زور و زحمتي بود، نخوابيدم و تمرينا رو نوشتم ولي انقدر خوابم ميومد که قيدش رو زدم و نرفتم سر کلاس! يا هفته ي ديگه تحويل ميدم يا مريم منو مي کشه! :پي بعد که بيدار شدم، کلي با مامان بگو بخند و اينا.بعد که آهنگ هاي مورد علاقه با صداي بلند -مامان خونه باشه رعايت مي کنم ولي رفت بيرون- کلي آهنگ با کلاس، کلي يک يکدونه دختر :دي با خوشحالي تشريف بردم دانشگاه.يکي از بچه ها سوغاتي برام پشمک آورده بود.دست گلت درد نکنه عزيز (: و بدين ترتيب با توجه به خريدهاي اين چند روز، پشمک و گل نرگش رو به هم چاي و شيريني و شکلات اضافه بفرماييد!

*شب يلدا و آخر پاييز و اين حرفا :دي بدو جوجه ها رو بشماريم!

*مرسي..خيلي نازه (:

*۲۹ آذر ۸۴

*کلي تريپ فرودگاه و خداحافظي و اين حرفا.ايول! هيچ کس گريه زاري نکرد.خوش بگذره عمه جان!

*در يک اقدام بي سابقه، دو بار بعد از اومدن از دانشگاه، رفتم بيرون از خونه! يه بار براي فرودگاه..قبلش هم براي خريدن قاقا لي لي و کتااااااااااب: آفتاب در سايه..اوشو! البته ترجمه هاش رو دوست ندارم.من خنگ بهتر ترجمه مي کنم متن هاي اين مدلي رو!

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